Are there any particular experiences here that stand out and still feed you today?
As a trauma survivor, I am very uneasy about touch. Part of my yogic study focused on how touch can be one of the best ways to heal. As part of the retreats, massage and Breema are offered. I cannot recommend these treatments more. These sessions changed me. I felt connected to myself and the world as a whole and I felt a glimmer of hope that I was going to be okay. That is not an easy place to get to when you are on the journey to unpacking past traumas.
What gives you hope?
I always have hope. True Nature gave me the ability to focus on tapping into how that hope could assist me. It allowed me to implement self-care regimens. It allowed me to learn to be nice to myself. It allowed me to rest.
What Jen does day-to-day, and her support for Warrior Camp...
I build and maintain databases to house email, social media and other electronic documents for litigation. My profession demands and requires near perfection at all times. It also requires a substantial amount of time commitment, which means I frequently work nights and weekends. It also is a position that many people depend on me but don’t understand what exactly I do. It requires that I do a near-perfect job and then justify why it’s important. While I have a unique set of qualifications that makes me good at what I do, it is an exhausting, highly-stressful career.
I am passionate about trauma recovery and working with those in their journeys toward healing. I support Warrior Camp, which provides an immersive camp experience of EMDR, Yoga, EAP and Narrative Writing Workshops. Learn more about Warrior Camp Here.
Meet Jennifer Pettigrew!
From Upper Arlington, Ohio.
Profession: Law, Litigation Support Analyst
Food for Living Consciously: True Nature!
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"As a yogi and trauma survivor, I sought out the opportunity to bring healing into my life..."
~ Jennifer Pettigrew
What first brought you to True Nature and how would you describe your initial experience?
“Separation is only a thought in the unrealized mind. Only a thought keeps you from the taste of Unity. You are that unity.”
-Breema Center
In 2015 I began my “Year of Retreats." As a yogi and trauma survivor, I sought out the opportunity to bring healing into my life. I first came to True Nature in the winter of 2015. I wanted to share the retreat experience with my husband and to give ourselves the space to relax and reconnect. Out of a similar desire to give to my colleague and friend, I returned two months later. My heart is full of the memories from each retreat and the joy that arises within me is so great it can be overwhelming.
There is no pressure to be anything or do anything at True Nature. There is only the request that you are present with yourself. Very few people are as gifted at making space for others. Both retreats allowed me to learn about myself and to let go of that which does not serve me.
On both retreats I was introduced to Breema, with which I quickly fell in love. With Breema, I found healing and quiet within. If I close my eyes and focus, I can still hear Dave’s gentle guidance and feel myself aligned with the world.
With Alana’s yoga, I let go of my “normal” practice and just let my body move. She gave me healing where I didn’t even know I needed it and the space to process what that meant.
What brings you back?
Spending time at True Nature is as much of a need as food and water. I find myself there and I feel drawn to my bigger purpose. I am inspired by Dave and Alana and know that I am more complete after the work I put into the retreats.
Dave and Alana feel like the friends you have had for years. They always welcome you. They honestly care about you and they only want the best for you.
How have these retreats affected your life?
My experiences with True Nature have forever altered the course of my life. I have found solace, peace and quiet content within myself. These gifts would not have been possible without Dave and Alana. I have an immense amount of gratitude for Dave and Alana and will always celebrate an opportunity so spend time with them.
I also have been inspired to learn more about Breema and look for opportunities to spend more time working with this form of meditation.